What Defensive Strategies Can be Used For My DUI Case?

The most common question heard by DUI attorneys from their clients is “what type of defensive options do I have for my DUI case?” Being charged of DUI or Drunk under the Influence is a stressful, frightening and embarrassing experience. Apart from the emotional & financial costs of fighting your DUI charges, you also need to consider all possible physical costs of losing freedom if you’re incarcerated because of DUI conviction.

The good news is that there are quite a few defensive strategies that can be used to potentially gain reduce sentencing, negotiate lesser charges, obtain not guilty judgment from the jury or even a getting your case dismissed entirely. For you to know the best defense strategy for your DUI case and truths of your drunk driving charges, you really need to look for reliable and experienced DUI lawyers in Los Angeles. Here at the law offices of Max Gorby, we have enough knowledge and experiences necessary to formulate your DUI defense strategies. Not only will provide you the best defense strategy for your DUI case, but also give you the big chance to receive favorable result in your case.

When you are charged with DUI offense, there are many ways you could respond. The only thing you shouldn’t do is ignore that matter. DUI charges are not only additional traffic ticket. They are criminal offenses that carry severe and serious penalties, suspension of driving license, privileges, significant fines and even jail time. The best key to reduce the possibility of obtaining the most serious penalties or charges for your DUI case is to obtain a DUI lawyer who can highlight the weaknesses of trial’s case.

A person who had been accused of DUI crime is innocent until he or she is proven guilty. It’s not your duty to prove to the court that you are innocent. The state has the burden of trying to  prove that you’re guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. One of the very first things that you or your attorney will do is plead that you’re not guilty at your arraignment.

The main job of the accused is to raise the issue of doubt through highlighting weaknesses and mistakes in the prosecution’s case. In introducing doubt to the case, the accused should make it more difficult to the state in proving that he or she is driving while intoxicated. In doing so, you will be able to prove to the court that your innocence. When you have a solid dui lawyer, you can also rest assured that they can help you to make your statements stronger and more reasonable to the courts.

First and foremost, an experienced DUI attorney will challenge the fact that you were pulled over and arrested legally in the first place. Without probable cause to pull you over, the case could be dead in the water before it even starts. If you didn’t commit a traffic violation or give the police any reason to pull you over in the first place, a competent DUI lawyer will file a motion to suppress sighting that the 4th amendment to the constitution was violated.

Another defensive strategy that can be used for your DUI case is by questioning the reliability and validity of the field sobriety test. History has shown that these tests aren’t reliable whatsoever. For the reason, the test could prove to be inaccurate and show positive result under specific circumstances. Say for example you have medical condition, causing your eyes to jolt or jerk. You can also say that the test is conducted while the oncoming traffic headlights are shining to your eyes.

These DUI defense strategies can be very helpful to your drunk driving case. Though we can’t (or won’t) share all of our defensive strategies with the world on a website, our job at the Law Offices of Max Gorby is to give you an ease of mind.

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